Autumn & winter season 2022 in El Corte, Nijmegen

Our group classes will resume from September 5th on!
Tango Argentino

Trial class in El Corte

Come and join the free trial class on
August 30th from 20.00 until 21.00 o’clock!

The doors will be open at 19.30 o’clock and you’ll have the opportunity to get to know the location and teachers a bit.

Time: 20.00 – 21.00 o’clock

Location: El El Corte, Graafseweg 108, 6512 CH Nijmegen

No reservation necessary. Dancing partner if possible.

For more information you can contact

Stefan (0625372458) or Marian (0625044965)

Regular classes on Monday & Tuesday in El Corte autumn & winter 2022

21.00-22.30Theme classBasics for all levels
Stefan &  Marian logo

Data Monday: The group classes on Monday start on September 5th.

Data Tuesday: The group classes on Tuesday start on September 6th.

The classes will continue until at least Tuesday 29 November.

Location: El Corte, Graafseweg 108, 6512 CH Nijmegen

Please be reasonable and only show up if you’re in good health.

Besides that you need a valid strip card of course. You can purchase that via the website of El Corte.
Please make sure that you always have some strips left before entering the classes!

Visit the website of El Corte for more details about the regular classes on other days as well.
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