Refresher courses in El Corte, Nijmegen

Refresher courses with Stefan & Marian in late summer 2019

Start the new season with these refresher classes in a slightly different format than you are used to!
September 16th & 17th September 23rd & 24th

Two lessons per evening with a special format where surprise is trump 😏

21.00-22.30Theme classBeginners

The times & levels of the lessons remain the same but with the content we will have quite some fun! We mix musical elements (think of a certain rhythm or a specific orchestra) with movement concepts (figures like ocho, giro & cross step but also more basic things like posture, walking & connection). The elements are tailored to the level of each group and are selected at random 🙂
Be surprised (together with us)!

These lessons can be followed with the strip carnet.

More info:

Stefan | | 0625372458

Marian | | 0625044965

The regular classes will start again on Monday September 30th and Tuesday October 1st 2019.
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