Spring season 2019 in El Corte, Nijmegen

Regular classes on Monday & Tuesday winter & spring 2019

21.00-22.30Theme classBeginners

Data Monday: 28/01, 04/02, 11/02, 18/02, 25/02, 04/03, 11/03, 18/03, 25/03, 01/04, 08/04, 15/04, 29/04, 06/05, 13/05, 20/05, 27/05, 03/06 2019

Data Tuesday: 29/01, 05/02, 12/02, 19/02, 26/02, 05/03, 12/03, 19/03, 26/03, 02/04, 09/04, 16/04, 30/04, 07/05, 14/05, 21/05, 28/05, 04/06 2019

Visit the website of El Corte for more details about the regular classes & the registration.

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