20.00-21.30 | hangout appetizer (Práctica) | From 21.30 | Milonga “Der schöne Freitag” with TJ Stefan |
Location: Oranienstraße 185, Hinterhaus Parterre, 10999 Berlin – Kreuzberg |
Saturday | September 13th | Sunday | September 14th |
13.00-13.30 | History of “Milonga” (Raimund) | 13.00-13.30 | History of “Vals” (Raimund) |
13.30-15.00 | Cool Milonga! (Daniela & Raimund) | 13.30-15.00 | Vals: Fly with me (Marian & Stefan) |
15.30-16.00 | Who’s who: “Di Sarli | Donato” (Raimund) | 15.30-16.00 | Who’s who: “Pugliese | Biagi” (Raimund) |
16.00-17.30 | Romance and playfulness: dance Di Sarli & Donato (Marian & Stefan) | 16.00-17.30 | Tango goes extreme: dance Pugliese & Biagi (Daniela & Raimund) |
Location: Kolonnenstraße 29, 10829 Berlin – Schöneberg |
From 21:00 | hangout milonga with the TJ trio Stefan. Daniela & Raimund |
Location: Kolonnenstraße 29, 10829 Berlin – Schöneberg |
registration | info: | prices: |
dyrtango.de daniela@dyrtango.de 0049|(0)172|32 32 152 |
per 2h workshop 25€ per person 2 workshops or more 22€ per person Milonga on Saturday 6€ |