The Berlin Connection: Living colours !!! – 20-22.04.2018

With Daniela & Raimund || Stefan & Marian

The Berlin Connection: Living Colours !!!

Welcome at the weekend seminar“Living Colours !!!”

Learn as you dance.
We want you to listen differently to music and dance differently to every piece of music. Therefore we stay closely connected to the character of the milongas you attend to dance with a lot of different styles and types of music.

Four qualities: power, calm, vigour, happiness.
Four colours: red, blue, green, yellow.
Let’s mix 😏

To give you the opportunity to work consistently and without a hurry we organize the classes on Saturday and Sunday in the form of seminars which will stretch over the whole afternoon (with breaks of course).

The weekend seminars will start with a very interactive lecture on Friday called “Orchestral playground” given by Raimund Schlie. In these two hours we will discover Tango music and its protagonists. Using videos, music, lots of information and – of course – practical exercises we will reveal the essentials of this fascinating music: who created it and how did these guys do it?

Some background.

Most of the milongas are structured in blocks of music (tandas). The DJs do their very best to weave a diverse and exciting carpet of music during the event to entice the dancers to keep dancing and inspire them with a lot of different music. The dancers on their part want to respond to that diversity by expressing the music with a different quality of movement according to the music. Our goal is to stay in the seminars as close as possible to that diverse character of the milonga.

To achieve that we are defining for four primary qualities: power, calm, vigour and light. There are of course much more qualities and facets but by isolating those basic entities we get a basic platform to work on.

Now lets assign these primary qualities with a colour: power = red, calm = blue, vigour = green and light = yellow.

The idea is to reduce every song to one of those four primary qualities. Having done that we can adjust our dance according to our quality of choice. That means that we have uncountable possibilities to vary our way of moving. That is true in the first place for our own body but it also is applicable inside the couple.

How it works.

On every seminar day we have a couple of buckets – assigned to one of the primary colours. We fill every bucket with a music (that might be a single piece or a whole tanda) and a movement. During the seminar every bucket will be used in a different way. There is no time limit which means that on some buckets will only be worked for 15 minutes whereas others take 45 minutes to be handled.
The aim is to first single out the basic quality of a song or tanda and apply it to the movement in the bucket. From there on we go to the facets, edges and overlappings of both the music and the movement which always exist.

What about food?

There are plenty of possibilities to have a dinner on Saturday & Sunday evening at one of the restaurants in the vicinity of De Danswerkplaats which all serve delicious food!

During the seminars on Saturday & Sunday we will provide you also with delicious but not too luscious snacks & drinks.

The program

Friday April 20th
19.30Doors are open
20.00-22.00Lecture “Orchestral playground” with Raimund
22.00-01.00Welcome Milonga – DJ Raimund
Saturday April 21st
Ocho cortado in Vals —
Enrique Rodríguez
Backward ocho —
Ricardo Malerba
Boleos —
Carlos Di Sarli
Closing steps —
Edgardo Donato
Ocho cortado in Vals —
Francisco Canaro
Backward ocho —
Francisco Lomuto
Boleos —
Rodolfo Biagi
Closing steps —
Roberto Firpo
21.00-04.00Milonga La Roca (Organized by Cheek2Cheek) – DJ Daniela
Sunday April 22nd
Walk —
Ángel D’Agostino
Turn —
Pedro Laurenz
Paradas & pasadas —
Miguel Caló
Vaiven —
Francisco Canaro
Rhythmical walk with cortes —
Julio de Caro
Turn —
Pedro Laurenz
Paradas & pasadas —
Osvlado Pugliese
Vaiven in Milonga —
Orquesta Típica Victor

The prices

All seminars Fri. | Sat. | Sun. (10 hours)€ 120,- per person
1 day seminar Sat. | Sun. (4 hours)€ 60,- per person
Interactive lecture “Orchestral playground” Fri. (2 hours)€ 20,- per person
Welcome milonga on Friday€ 7,- per person
(€ 5,- for seminar participants)
Milonga La Roca on Saturday (organized by Cheek2Cheek)€ 8,- per person
(€ 5,- for seminar participants)

The registration

    Your name (required)

    E-mail address (required)

    Partner (please contact us if you need a partner)


    Lecture 'Orchestral Playground' (2h) [Friday]
    Day Seminar I (4h) [Saturday]
    Day Seminar II (4h) [Sunday]

    Further comments

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