The Berlin Connection: Tango Seminar Weekend 19-20-21 April 2024

With Raimund & Daniela || Stefan & Marian

The Berlin Connection: Tango Beyond Figures

Welcome at the weekend seminar
“Tango Beyond Figures”

There’s a time to learn figures and a time to learn how to create your own dance expressing the music you listen to.

We’re using well known songs in different versions interpreted by different orchestras at different eras to find the similarities and certainly the differences.

Tango Beyond Figures

This seminar weekend is designed to make small and large discoveries in the layered Tango music, to enrich our own dance spectrum.

In Tango music, compositions have often been replayed and rearranged by different orchestras. In the complex web of the entire history of Tango, we are going to follow the thread of a composition here and there that leads us through time, past famous and less famous orchestras, past singers and soloists. On the basis of one composition we will experience how differently the music was interpreted by the orchestra leaders, what stamp the musicians and the spirit of the times put on the performance and how the chemistry between the musicians could lead to artistic highlights.

For dancers, there is a huge challenge here. The vocabulary, figures and movement structures of the Tango are already familiar. In the salon we hear a lot of different music, to which we immediately respond in movement and feeling. Then the desire arises to interpret all that the music evokes and shape it dancing.

In the workshops we will explore ‘tools’ with which we can give the dance color and intensity, in such a way that we can express the nuances and layers that we hear in the music in dance in a much more refined way. We connect the ears with the feet and make everything in between an active resonating body.
Improvising and communicating together with your partner, completely in the music, that is the adventure.

And the nice thing of that approach is that it never get’s boring 😉

The program

Friday April 19th
19.30Doors are open
20.00-21.30 Workshop “Tango Tombola”
You chose (blind-folded of course) a piece of music (out of 80 Tangos around the world) and a movement – we make it come together 🙂
21.45-01.00 Milonga “Tango Tombola” with TJ Daniela
Saturday April 20th
20.00-02.00 Milonga La Roca (Organized by Cheek2Cheek) – TJ Raimund
Sunday April 21st

The prices

All together workshop & seminars€ 160,- per person
One day seminar Saturday or Sunday (4 hours)€ 75,- per person
Two day seminar Saturday and Sunday (8 hours)€ 140,- per person
Workshop “Tango Tombola” (1.5 hours)€ 30,- per person (Milonga included)
Milonga “Tango Tombola” on Friday€ 7,- per person
(free for workshop participants)
Milonga La Roca on Saturday (organized by Cheek2Cheek)€ 12,- per person
(€ 8,- for seminar participants)
Who is "The Berlin Connection"?

"The Berlin Connection" is a joint project by Raimund & Daniela from Berlin and Stefan & Marian from the Netherlands.

The four know and appreciate each other as a dancer and teacher for many years. Both in tango and in life they share an intensive friendship.

Dance and music in tango are inseparable. With some knowledge we have a better access to the special features of tango and our dance gets more expressive. In our seminar weekends we offer a special concept: prior to each seminar, there is a brief introduction to the topic, then we move on to the practical part.

What about food?

There are plenty of possibilities to have a dinner on Saturday & Sunday evening at one of the restaurants in the vicinity of De Danswerkplaats which all serve delicious food. We highly recommend "Het Lokaal"!

During the seminars on Saturday & Sunday we will provide you also with healthy but yummy snacks & drinks.

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