Stefan, the TJ.

Stefan is a dancer. And he loves music. That’s why he’s TJing …

Stefan, the TJ

Soon after he started dancing he also began TJing back in 1998. Since then he’s grown out to one of the house TJs in El Corte. He’s providing the music during the Chain Salons (together with other TJs) and at other occasions in El Corte. Besides that he’s TJing both at festivals & other events as Marathons or Encuentros all over Europe.

His main goal is to connect to the dancers and create a specific mood & atmosphere during a milonga that keeps the dancers going and offers a great diversity. Therefore he’s creating a coherent structure by using tandas (four songs per tanda, two tandas of Tangos followed by a tanda of Milongas or Vals alternately). If the location and the situation allows it he also includes cortinas.

His main ingredient form the orchestras from the Época de Oro but he also loves to give his music a twist by playing the lovely old & playful music from the Guardia Nueva. At some events he’s also using pieces of Neo-Tango or even Non-Tango music to interpolate with the classical Tango music.

At the end it’s all about the old saying:
“What kind of music do you like?” “Good music.”

Stefan TJ [1]Stefan TJ [2]Stefan TJ [3]Stefan TJ [4]
Fotos by Joachim Jundt
List of events he’s TJing in 2025:
February 15th
After-Valentin-Milonga in Café de Ster in Roermond, The Netherlands
February 22nd
Milonga Casa de la Pantera in Oegstgeest, The Netherlands
March 8th
Tango im Speicher in Osnabrück, Germany
October 10th-12th
And here is the list of past events:
May 17th-19th
November 23rd
Salon in de Geertekerk @La Zapada in Utrecht, The Netherlands
November 30th
Popup Milonga @La Roca in Amersfoort, The Netherlands
December 25th
April 28th-29th
Code Orange @ El Corte in Nijmegen, The Netherlands
May 27th
Milonga Loge Oost in Nijmegen, The Netherlands
June 27th
Milonga Young NRW in Düsseldorf, Germany
July 15th
Milonga @TA-TAA! in Schmitten-Oberreifenberg, Germany
December 23rd
Code Orange @ El Corte in Nijmegen, The Netherlands
January 15th
Milonga La Roca in Amersfoort, The Netherlands
March 11th-13th
Code Orange @ El Corte in Nijmegen, The Netherlands
May 13th-15th
Code Orange @ El Corte in Nijmegen, The Netherlands
August 20th
Milonga La Roca in Amersfoort, The Netherlands
June 11th-13th
Code Orange @ El Corte in Nijmegen, The Netherlands
July 9th-11th
Code Orange @ El Corte in Nijmegen, The Netherlands
August 20th-22th
Code Orange @ El Corte in Nijmegen, The Netherlands
October 1st-3rd
MAratango – the 10th edition @ Mannheim, Germany
October 8th-10th
Code Orange @ El Corte in Nijmegen, The Netherlands
November 28th
tango8 in Cologne, Germany
February 9th
tango8 in Cologne, Germany
February 29th
Fiesta de Año Bisiesto @ Tango Las Olas in Gouda, The Netherlands
May 9th
Tango Cheshire in Macclesfield, UK
May 15th-17th
Mysterious Castle Marathon @ Schloss Tornow, Germany
December 31st
New Year’s Party @ El Corte in Nijmegen, The Netherlands
May 11th
Tango Cheshire in Macclesfield, UK
June 14th-16th
Mysterious Castle Marathon @ Schloss Tornow, Germany
June 30th
Festivalito 5 year Milonga La Roca in Amersfoort, The Netherlands
August 21st
Flor de Fango – Street tango 2019 in Arnhem, The Netherlands
September 5th
StudiLonga in Halle, Germany
September 26th-29th
MAratango – the 8th edition @ Mannheim, Germany
December 31st
New Year’s Party @ El Corte in Nijmegen, The Netherlands
March 10th
Encuentro Milonguero Bomboncito in Basel, Switzerland
May 12th
Tango Cheshire in Macclesfield, UK
May 20th
tango8 in Cologne, Germany
May 25th-27th
Mysterious Castle Marathon @ Schloss Tornow, Germany
July 15th
Tango in de Tuin in Gouda, The Netherlands
August 31st – September 2nd
Mattstedt Tango Marathon @ Mühlenhof Mattstedt, Germany
September 6th
StudiLonga in Halle, Germany
December 31st
New Year’s Party @ El Corte in Nijmegen, The Netherlands
March 4th
TJ during the main event on Saturday evening & the Sunday afternoon at the Chained Salon @ El Corte in Nijmegen, The Netherlands
March 11th
TangoSpring Festival @ Tango El Beso in Müster, Germany
March 18th
Abrazo Dulce in Antwerp, Belgium
April 14th
The Easter Ensueños Project in Amersfoort, The Netherlands
April 28th – May 1st
Tango Primavera in Stockholm, Sweden
May 13th
@ Tango Cheshire in Macclesfield, UK
June 2nd
tango8 in Cologne, Germany
September 7th
StudiLonga in Halle, Germany
September 21st-24th
Maratango in Mannheim, Germany
December 31st
New Year’s Party @ El Corte in Nijmegen, The Netherlands
January 8th
Weekend @ La Cita in Kehl, Germany
January 16th
Tango Liberta in The Netherlands
April 23rd
La Milonguita @ BE-Tango in Brussels, Belgium
May 14th
@ Tango Cheshire in Macclesfield, UK
July 1st-3rd
August 13th
Milonga Alegre in Nijmegen, The Netherlands
August 20th
Milonga Factory in Nijmegen, The Netherlands
September 4th
Tango in de Tuin in Gouda, The Netherlands
September 8th
StudiLonga in Halle, Germany
September 23rd
Maratango in Mannheim, Germany
December 16th
tango8 in Cologne, Germany
December 31st
New Year’s Party @ El Corte in Nijmegen, The Netherlands
February 15th
Tango 11 Special in Amsterdam, The Netherlands
March 22nd
Chill-out milonga during “The adventure called Music” in Amersfoort, The Netherlands
March 28th
Grand bal de Tango at the CAPe Ettelbruck, Luxemburg
April 4th
TJ during the main event on Saturday evening & the Sunday afternoon at the
Chained Salon in Nijmegen, The Netherlands
May 1st
1. Encuentro de Brujas in Bruges, Belgium
May 22nd
7. TangoWeekender in Mattstedt, Germany
June 27th-28th
September 6th
September 17-20th
October 24th
Pop-Up Milonga @ De Danswerkplaats in Amersfoort, The Netherlands
December 31st
New Year’s Party @ El Corte in Nijmegen, The Netherlands
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