Workshops at the CAPe – Centre des Arts Pluriels d’Ettelbruck
With Stefan & Komala
- Saturday, 28/03/2015
- 14h00-15h15: Workshop for beginners (introduction)
- 15h30-17h00: Workshop for all (musicality & behaviour in the salon)
- 17h30-18h45: Workshop for advanced (turns, vals & milonga)
- 20h00-22h00: Tango Ball with the ensemble «Roulotte Tango»
- 22h00-01h00: Tango DJ Session (with TJ Stefan Wimmer)
- Sunday, 29/03/2015
- 14h00-15h15: Workshop for beginners
- 15h30-16h45: Workshop for advanced (what to do with the left leg?)