Skip to contentWith Stefan & Marian
Friday 27th June
- (Workshop) Verticality & rotation: the basics of the embrace for a better connection & freedom of moving in close embrace [18:00-19:15]
- (Workshop) Dynamics in turns: compact powerful turns for small spaces [19:30-20:45]
- (Milonga) Milonga with TJ Stefan [21:00-03:00]
Saturday 28th June
- (Workshop) Rebotes & torsion: effective use of the floor to create an element of surprise [14:00-15:15]
- (Workshop) Asynchronicity: play with the separation of your movements to give an extra touch to your dance [15:30-16:45]
- (Práctica) Guided práctica with Stefan & Marian [17:00-19:00]
- (Milonga) Milonga [21:00-04:00]