Workshops @ Tango Cheshire – 10-12.05.2019

Stefan & Komala @ Tango Cheshire

With Stefan & Komala

Saturday, 11/05/2019
1h30-3h00Walk the line: from simple walking to utter complexity
3h30-5h00Pivotal boleos: smooth boleos without force
7h00-8h00Milonga: less is more
8h00-11h30Tango Party (with TJ Stefan Wimmer)
Sunday, 12/05/2019
1h30-3h00Take your time: the art of slow moving
3h30-5h00Vals: imploding turns

On Friday Komala & Stefan are also invited by Sharon Koch to teach the Friday night class @ TangoIn in Chester.

You can also have a look at the website of Tango Cheshire.
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