Workshops @ Tanzatelier Widance – 16.11.2019

Workshops @ Tanzatelier widance 16.11.2019

With Stefan & Komala

Pauses & rhythm: dancing the contrast in the music

A seminar from 16:00 – 19:00 o’clock

All the big orchestras in the fourties of the last century had so much success because they reinvented the sheet music they played every night by arranging it differently and also using a different phrasing to give the music another colour. That made it very exciting to listen and dance to!

We can do the same in our dance by switching from still pauses that we fill by moving only on the spot to rhythmical steps as they are offered by the music we hear. We can go even one step further by dancing that pauses and rhythmical movements even if they are *not* in the music. That makes us part of the orchestra and hence part of the music.

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