Werk aan de Winkel 2017

An irregular series of extra long workshops with
Stefan & Marian
Werk aan de Winkel 2017
These workshops are built around one specific subject which will be treated in depth. The participants get an insight into the basic structure of the subject and have the time to explore the possibilities how to play with it. The workshops are organized in different places in The Netherlands.

Werk aan de Winkel – Friday November 24th

El Corte, Nijmegen

Paradas & pasadas

The art of pausing

Paradas are a gentle way to tell your partner to stop moving for a moment by building up a little barrier. The continuation of the dance is often started with a movement passing the barrier – hence “pasada”.

A pause can be such a wonderful moment during a dance – it adds another dimension to the continuous flow of movements by standing still for a few seconds and then rebuild the flow. It also connects us stronger to the music where pauses are a vital element to colour the song. We look into the possibilities how to express pauses in the music with paradas. After that we dive into the wide range of pasadas which make the re-initiation of the dance so exciting.

And we will certainly not forget to check out when it is useful to dance paradas and when not 😉

Time: 20:00 ’til 22:00 o’clock

Price: € 20,- p.p. for the workshop

Location: El Corte, Graafseweg 108, 6512 CH Nijmegen

No registration needed.
Just show up for the workshop with your partner.
More info: Send an or call 06-25372458

Afterwards salon with TJ Stefan ’til 24:00 o’clock

Werk aan de Winkel – Friday October 20th

El Corte, Nijmegen

Turns internalized

Time: 20:00 ’til 22:00 o’clock

Price: € 20,- p.p. for the workshop

Location: El Corte, Graafseweg 108, 6512 CH Nijmegen

No registration needed.
Just show up for the workshop with your partner.
More info: Send an or call 06-25372458

Afterwards salon with TJ Stefan ’til 24:00 o’clock

Werk aan de Winkel – Saturday July 15th

De Danswerkplaats, Amersfoort

Back to the future

Sacadas & ganchos in close embrace

The close embrace was for a while not very highly regarded and considered old-fashioned. But nowadays times have changed and dancing in close embrace is again en vogue in the salons all over the world.

In this edition of “Werk aan de Winkel” we investigate how to create comfortable & free movements in this intimate embrace. That’s what a dancer is thriving for eventually. Naturally we end up with round movements around our axis which enable us to develop more complex figures as sacadas and ganchos effortless.

We build up the workshop carefully around the basic elements and the body awareness necessary to achieve these complex movements. A quest for all dancers according to their own possibilities.

Time: 18:30 ’til 20:30 o’clock


€ 25,- p.p. for the workshop
€ 28,- p.p. for both workshop & Milonga La Roca

Location: De Danswerkplaats, Oude Fabriekstraat 20, 3812NR Amersfoort

No registration needed.
Just show up for the workshop with your partner.
More info: Send an or call 06-25372458

Afterwards salon with TJ Stefan ’til 24:00 o’clock

Werk aan de Winkel – Friday February 24th

El Corte, Nijmegen

All directions: alteraciones in all colours

Time: 20:00 ’til 22:00 o’clock

Price: € 20,- p.p. for the workshop

Location: El Corte, Graafseweg 108, 6512 CH Nijmegen

No registration needed.
Just show up for the workshop with your partner.
More info: Send an or call 06-25372458

Afterwards salon with TJ Stefan ’til 24:00 o’clock
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