Werk aan de Winkel 2019

An irregular series of extra long workshops with
Stefan & Marian
Werk aan de Winkel 2019
These workshops are built around one specific subject which will be treated in depth. The participants get an insight into the basic structure of the subject and have the time to explore the possibilities how to play with it. The workshops are organized in different places in The Netherlands.

Werk aan de Winkel – Friday May 17th

El Corte, Nijmegen

Breath & phrasing

how to create a flow in your dance

Breathing is an essential part of your dance. Not only for respirational reasons but also because you use your breath to initiate a movement – both in your and in your partners body. But you can also use it beyond that simple purpose to set up a chain of movements with a clear start and an ending.

This creates a flow in your dance that is very pleasant & exciting at the same time because no figure will be the same.

Come & join us!

Time: 20:00 ’til 22:00 o’clock

Price: € 22,- p.p. for the workshop

Location: El Corte, Graafseweg 108, 6512 CH Nijmegen

No registration needed.
Just show up for the workshop with your partner.
More info: Send an or call 06-25372458

Afterwards salon with TJ Stefan ’til 24:00 o’clock

Werk aan de Winkel – Friday February 15th

El Corte, Nijmegen

Imploding turns

Turns are most of the times expanding movements that require quite some space. Imploding turns on the other hand are a way to initiate a turn towards the center of the leader which do not demand a lot of space but create plenty of dynamics to play with.

This makes them an ideal instrument for crowded salons.

Come & join us!

Time: 20:00 ’til 22:00 o’clock

Price: € 22,- p.p. for the workshop

Location: El Corte, Graafseweg 108, 6512 CH Nijmegen

No registration needed.
Just show up for the workshop with your partner.
More info: Send an or call 06-25372458

Afterwards salon with TJ Stefan ’til 24:00 o’clock

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