Stefan & Marian

Werk aan de Winkel – Friday May 17th
El Corte, Nijmegen
Breath & phrasing
how to create a flow in your dance
Breathing is an essential part of your dance. Not only for respirational reasons but also because you use your breath to initiate a movement – both in your and in your partners body. But you can also use it beyond that simple purpose to set up a chain of movements with a clear start and an ending.
This creates a flow in your dance that is very pleasant & exciting at the same time because no figure will be the same.
Come & join us!
Werk aan de Winkel – Friday February 15th
El Corte, Nijmegen
Imploding turns
Turns are most of the times expanding movements that require quite some space. Imploding turns on the other hand are a way to initiate a turn towards the center of the leader which do not demand a lot of space but create plenty of dynamics to play with.
This makes them an ideal instrument for crowded salons.
Come & join us!